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Press Release

The Government to Start Social Discussion on Healthcare Reform in Earnest

  • Regdate2024-04-26 16:48
  • Hit380

The Government to Start

Social Discussion on Healthcare Reform in Earnest


- The first meeting of the Special Presidential Committee on Healthcare Reform, consisting of citizens, medical community, and government representatives, was convened -


- The discussion included the direction of healthcare reform, discussion agendas, and the operation of the Special Presidential Committee -


The first meeting of the Special Presidential Committee on Healthcare Reform (“the Committee”) was convened on Thursday, April 25 at 10:00 a.m. at Government Complex Seoul.


Since the announcement of its launch in February at the 8th Public Engagement Roundtable on “Healthcare Reform to Saves Lives and Local Communities (February 1), the Committee has been preparing for its launch by formulating the legal basis and recruiting members so that it can serve as a social discussion body on healthcare reform issues.


The Committee consists of the civilian Chairperson (Noh Yeon-hong, currently President of the Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association), the heads of six government bodies (Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Financial Services Commission), organizations of healthcare providers, those of healthcare consumers, 20 civilian members nominated by the related ministries. The Committee is tasked with collecting opinions on healthcare reform from different sectors and drawing up a roadmap for healthcare reform through consultation, recommendations, and issue adjustment.


At the first meeting, the Committee (1) reported on the background and progress of the healthcare reform, (2) discussed the direction of the reform and the agenda for discussion as well as (3) the composition and operation plan of the Committee.


Chairperson Noh Yeon-hong said, “Healthcare reform is closely related to people’s lives and health. To fulfill this reform, we need active participation and consensus among all sectors including the medical community, and active support from the government.” He added, “We will strive to make the Committee effective and functional, ensuring transparency through the public disclosure of discussion topics and processes, and building on the expertise and representativeness of its members. ///
