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Press Release

Korea-China Discussion on Healthcare Cooperation and Joint Response to Public Health Crisis

  • Regdate2024-04-26 16:48
  • Hit514

Korea-China Discussion on Healthcare Cooperation and Joint Response to Public Health Crisis


2nd Vice Minister Park Minsoo meets

with Chinese National Health Commission Vice Minister Wang Hesheng -


2nd Vice Minister Park Minsoo of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) met with Wang Hesheng, Vice Minister of China’s National Health Commission and Director of the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration* on April 25 (Thursday) at the Korea Press Center to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation in the healthcare sector, including joint response to global public health crises.


* National Disease Control and Prevention Administration (國家疾病統制豫防局, NDCPA): founded in May 2021 as a coordinating organization for the prevention of infectious diseases and public health projects


The two sides agreed on the importance of international cooperation during public health crises, and agreed to actively take part in discussions and take shared positions on current issues at the World Health Organization (WHO) level, including the discussion on the Pandemic Treaty.


In addition, Vice Minister Park Minsoo proposed to implement exchange programs and cooperation between government authorities of the two countries on a regular basis for rapid and effective response to infectious diseases and disasters, in accordance with the Korea-China Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on bilateral healthcare cooperation revised and signed in December 2023.


In response, Vice Minister Wang He-sheng welcomed the proposal, emphasizing the importance of the two countries' roles in building global health governance and encouraging the two countries to advance the cooperation system further. ///
