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Press Release

Korea-Saudi Arabia discuss healthcare cooperation

  • Regdate2024-05-08 18:36
  • Hit220

Korea-Saudi Arabia discuss healthcare cooperation including

medical personnel training and capacity building



On the afternoon of May 3 (Friday), Minister of Health and Welfare Cho KyooHong met with H.E Yousef Bin Abdullah Al-Benyan, Minister of Education of Saudi Arabia, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Jongno-gu, Seoul, to discuss ways to strengthen healthcare cooperation, including expanding the training of medical personnel, between Korea and Saudi Arabia.


During the meeting, the two ministers agreed on the need to train specialized medical personnel in response to the rapidly changing medical environment and to continue to advance bilateral policy cooperation, including the revision of the agreement on the training of Saudi medical personnel.


In addition, Minister Cho shared the recent issues of interest in the healthcare sector, including the sending of Saudi government-funded patients and elevation of Korean medical licenses to a higher group, to expand medical personnel exchange and healthcare cooperation between the two countries.


* Under the Saudi regulation on medical license certification, Korea falls under Group 2.


In response, Minister Yousef Bin Abdullah Al-Benyan welcomed the proposal to enhance healthcare capacity building and expressed his commitment to continue medical cooperation between the two countries. ///
