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Press Release

Investigation into possible Dengue fever outbreak in Korea

  • Regdate2011-11-10 18:09
  • Hit5,961

Investigation into possible Dengue fever
outbreak in Korea

- No proof of dengue fever outbreak found yet -

Ministry of Health and Welfare (Minister Rim, Chae Min) and Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(Director Jeon, Byung Yul) have been conducting an epidemiological investigation to verify how a patient in South Gyeongsang Province who was diagnosed with Dengue fever after her trip to Indonesia last July had been infected and the conclusion of the investigation is as below.  


* The investigation result was reported in a publication titled “Weekly Health and Disease” published on 4 Nov. by Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 


The epidemiological investigation of mosquitoes within a two kilometer radius in the patient’s neighborhood failed to find any dengue virus-carrying mosquitoes.


A monitoring of medical institutions in the neighborhood for dengue-fever suspected patients has been also conducted in the meantime and found no additional patients with the disease.

* Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease and is not fatal. The patient in the above case well recovered after she was completely healed of the disease. 

KCDC will continue its epidemiological investigation and monitoring concerning this Dengue fever patient (confirmed patient in accordance with NNID(National Notifiable Infectious Disease) diagnosis and report standards) and verify how she was infected and possibility of the outbreak of the disease in Korea upon confirmation of additional information.
