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Press Release

National Health Insurance Corporation published the “2010’ Major Surgery Statistics”

  • Regdate2011-12-20 09:49
  • Hit7,082

National Health Insurance Corporation published the “2010’ Major Surgery Statistics”

-1.48 million received 33 major surgeries and 3.8 trillion won have been spent

National Health Insurance Corporation (President Kim, Jong Dae) informed that it has published and is distributing the 2010 Major Surgery Statistics by analyzing detailed data on health insurance and medical care expenditures.

 2010’ Major Surgery Statistics is nationally authorized by Statistics Korea in accordance with Article 18 of the Statistics Act (Authorization No. 350-04) and this statistical data is concerning 33 major surgeries that can be used as reference data for health and medical care policy establishment and in which statistics users are interested.    


The selected ones are 20 surgeries required by OECD such as cataract surgery, tonsillectomy, stent insertion, coronary artery bypass, etc and 13 surgeries that are highly expensive or have a growing demand recently such as brain tumor, gastric resection, hepatic resection, hemorrhoidectomy, regular spinal surgery, thyroid surgery, etc to make it in line with the Statistical Year Book that has been published since 2006. The analysis is based on the hospitalization and medical treatment bills issued to the patients whose medical treatment began in 2010.


By having codes of each surgery validated by evaluators from hospitals and medical academies, accuracy of data for the 2010 Surgery Statistics has been solidified. Also, the statistics are available in English, making it possible to compare with the OECD health index by country.

The book consists of six chapters. Major details of each chapter are; Chapter 1. Surgery status by age and gender, Chapter 2. Surgery status by place of patient’s residence (city and province), Chapter 3. Surgery status by month, Chapter 4. Surgery status by medical institute by city and province, Chapter 5. Major surgery statistical index: no. of surgery patients per 100 thousand, medical care expenditure per surgery, no. of hospitalization days per surgery, etc), and Chapter 6. Top 20 diseases by frequency by surgery.


In addition, the Major Surgery Statistics will be available for all users at the statistical data room at the website of the National Health Insurance Corporation (www.nhic.or.kr). Also, wider and easier access to the statistical data will be available for users sooner or later by linking the Major Surgery Statistics publication data with KOSIS, a national statistical portal provided by Statistics Korea.  



1.48 million patients who have received one or more of the thirty three major surgeries (increased by 1.6% compared to the previous year) … 1.69 million cases of surgery

‘07(1.32 million) → ’08 (1.34 million) → ’09(1.46 million) → ’10(1.48 million)

     No. of surgery patients in 2010 (100 thousand and more)

         cataract surgery (290 thousand) > hemorrhoidectomy (247 thousand) > cesarean section (165 thousand) > regular spinal surgery (155 thousand) > appendectomy(101 thousand)

Per 100 thousand persons: cataract surgery (573 persons)> hemorrhoidectomy (488 persons)> cesarean section (326 persons)> regular spinal surgery (307 persons) > appendectomy(200 persons)

Major surgeries that have increased most compared to the previous year(based on the number of inpatients)

Varicocele ligation (24.6%↑) endoscopic sinus surgery(13.1%↑)

knee replacement (12.1%↑) regular spinal surgery (11.1%↑)

Major surgery treatment expenditure (non-insurance benefit excluded) 3 trillion 765.3 billion won

‘07(2 trillion 813.6 billion won) → ’08 (2 trillion 891.8 billion won) → ’09 (3 trillion  491.3 billion won)

→ ’10 (3 trillion 765.3 billion won)

regular spinal surgery (496.3 billion won) > cataract surgery (404.3 billion won) >

knee replacement (397.2 billion won) > stent insertion (354.1 billion won) >

hemorrhoidectomy (199.3 billion won) > cesarean section (199.0 billion won)

Top 6 surgeries in terms of health insurance expenditure for 2010

     Coronary artery bypass (20.20 million won), congenital visceral malformation surgery (17.81 million won),

     skull base surgery (11.34 million won), brain tumor surgery (8.85 million won),

hepatic resection (8.52 million), pacemaker implantation (8.38 million won)

No. of hospitalization days per major surgery case

     knee replacement (21.4 days), skull base surgery (21.1 days), hip replacement (19.8 days), hepatic resection(19.7 days), brain tumor surgery (18.4 days), congenital heart defect surgery (18.4 days)

Major surgery by age

Among those aged 9 and younger; tonsillectomy, among teens; appendectomy, between 20s and 30s;cesarean section, between 40s and 50s; hemorrhoidectomy , those aged 60 and older (cataract surgery)

Top 2 major surgeries by age

 those aged 9 and younger  : tonsillectomy (13,695 persons ) hernia surgery (10,590 persons)

teens: appendectomy (25,125 persons) tonsillectomy (10,932 persons)

20s~30s: cesarean section (158,003 persons) hemorrhoidectomy (97,369 persons)

40s: hemorrhoidectomy (63,873 persons) hysterectomy (36,862 persons)

50s: hemorrhodectomy (46,843 persons) cataract surgery (33,910 persons)

60s and older  cataract surgery (239,167 persons) regular spinal surgery (82,571 persons)

Top 1 major surgery by place of a patient’s residence

cataract surgery … Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Daejeon, Kyunggi, Kangwon, Chungcheong, Jeolla, Kyungsang, Jeju

hemorrhoidectomy … Busan, Gwangju, Ulsan

Surgery by medical institution location  … metropolitan area; 50.8%(more than a half)

Seoul 27.0%(399,557 persons) > Kyeonggi 18.8%(278,718 persons) > Busan 8.8% (130,562 persons) > Daegu 6.3%(93,174 persons) > Kyeongnam 5.6%(83,355 persons) > Incheon 5.0% (74,662 persons)

Top 2 surgeries by type of medical institution

High-level general hospital: cleft lip correction (87.8%), brain tumor surgery (76.3%)

general hospital: appendectomy (58.9%), cholecystotomy (48.4%)

hospital: knee replacement (57.8%), regular spinal surgery (56.1%)

clinic: cataract surgery (77.4%), hemorrhoidectomy (68.3%)

