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Press Release

Plan for the expanded implementation of the childcare service for those aged 0 ~2

  • Regdate2012-02-24 17:44
  • Hit5,753


Plan for the expanded implementation of the childcare service for those aged 0 ~2

-Expansion of the capacity of quality nurseries based on conditions of local governments -


Ministry of Health and Welfare (Minister Rim, Chae Min) informed that the plan for the expanded implementation of the childcare service for infants aged 1~3 has been prepared based on the forecast of the demand for nurseries and the total and analysis of the status of the application for the childcare assistance from 1 Feb. 2012

The number of those who have applied for the childcare assistance for the infants aged 1~3 as of 20 Feb. is 203,000 and it accounts for 72% of the total number (283,000) of those who have applied for the children aged from 1 to 6.


< The number of applications for the childcare assistance from 1 Feb. to 20 Feb. 2012>


1 yr old

2 yrs old

3 yrs old

4 yrs old

5 yrs old

6 yrs old











If this pattern of growing numbers of the application for the childcare assistance continues, the

accumulated number* of applications for the childcare assistance for the infants aged from 1 to 2

by the end of Feb. is expected to from 305,000 at minimum to 340,000 at maximum.


* The applications submitted in Jan. 2012 included

Given that the current number of applications for the childcare assistance includes the number of

those who’ve been using nurseries with the assistance (top 30% group of earnings) and the

number of those who have applied for the childcare assistance earlier than when they will

actually use nurseries, the number of those who will newly start using nurseries is estimated to

be between 100 thousand and 130 thousand.


The quota for the childcare service for infants aged from 1 to 3 is 840 thousand and the actual

number of those using the service is 740 thousand.

*As of end of Dec. 2011, the total capacity of nurseries for children aged from 1 to 6 is 1.63 million and the actual number of children in nurseries is 1.32 million.

As a result of the monitoring, some areas including the metropolitan area appear to be in need of expansion of the capacity of the childcare service.  

Ministry will establish the guideline and notify the heads of local governments who are in charge of establishment of nurseries and approval of their capacity of it so that measures appropriate for conditions for each local area can be implemented.




Metropolitan area

Metropolitan city

No. of civic units




Areas subject to the first monitoring





The spare capacity of nurseries for now will be used for provision of the childcare service for the infants aged from 1 to 3.


- The heads of local governments will request for expansion of the capacity of high quality nurseries (with 90 evaluation points and higher) to the extent of the spare space of the existing nurseries* taking into account of conditions of each area.


*It is estimated that the capacity of around 80~90 thousand more by utilizing the spare capacity of the existing nurseries and around 20 ~ 30 thousand more thanks to the expansion of the capacity of the existing nurseries will be added.   


* The spare space of nurseries that have obtained permission with less capacity than the standard space of nurseries stipulated in accordance with the Infant Care Act (2.64 per one child).  

- It is estimated that the additional capacity of accommodating 100 ~ 150 thousand infants for the childcare service can be created.


Also, the analysis indicates that around 10 thousand childcare teachers need to be additionally secured.


Ministry will have newly graduated childcare teachers (around 40 thousand) who earned the childcare teacher’s certificate from college in 2012 hired by nurseries.

It has also asked childcare teachers’ programs/institutions at colleges and job support centers

run by local governments and the Work Net of Ministry of Employment and Labor and

employment centers for help in providing information required for nurseries to find teachers and

for teachers to find jobs, etc.


Furthermore, the guidelines on use of nurseries have been prepared and notified to each local government so that those who are in great need of the childcare service like dual income families, etc may have priority access to the childcare service.


From now on, Ministry of Health and Welfare will conduct a survey of the on-site status regarding

the use and provision of the childcare service by area jointly with local governments and

continuously analyze the on-site status of the childcare service by each local area.  


It will not rely on the initial analysis but will prepare implementation plans necessary for conditions of areas in a timely manner so that the childcare that the public really needs can be provided.


From Mar., it will closely monitor the status of the childcare budget execution along with local governments and discuss a budget required with the financial authorities.

In the meantime, the childcare assistance provided for 36 month year old and younger infants

that are raised at home (based on incomes) will be extended to the bottom 70% income group

from the second highest income group starting from Jan. 2013.    


The preparations needed for this action will be finalized within the third quarter of the year.  

