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Press Release

Weight change in Koreans: a polarization between extreme obesity and underweight

  • Regdate2012-10-12 15:20
  • Hit7,299

Weight change in Koreans: a polarization between extreme obesity and underweight

-       Being underweight has been getting serious in females in their 20s and 30s –


<Major results>

    According to an analysis on weight change in Koreans from 1998 to 2010, total obesity rates have been stagnant while extreme obesity rates of both males and females have increased.

total obesity rates stayed at around 30~31%

extreme obesity rates nearly doubled from 2.4% in 1998 to 4.2% in 2010

    Underweight females in their 20s and 30s have been steadily increasing for the last 10 years

number of underweight young females in their 20s increased from 12.4% in 1998 to 17.8% in 2010

number of underweight elderly females and males decreased


On October 11th, for the 3rd Obesity Prevention Day, the Ministry of Health and Welfare (Minister Rim Chemin) announced the results of the analysis on weight change in Koreans by sex and age groups from 1998 to 2010. 

     (Data from research on public health and nutrition from 1998 to 2010 by professor Oh Sangwoo of the Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital)


According to the analysis, total obesity rates have been stagnant while extreme obesity rates have increased and the number of underweight females has increased displaying a trend of weight polarization. 


Obesity rates have been hovering around 30~31% in the past 10 years.

     Standards for diagnosing obesity: BMI 25 kg/m2

Body Mass Index (BMI): weight (kg) ÷ square of height (m2)


The number of obese males was steadily increasing but the increasing rates were decreasing. By comparison, the obesity rates of females have decreased slightly since 2001.


However, extreme obesity rates have doubled in the last 12 years (2.4% -> 4.6%) and increases were seen in both males and females (males 1.7% -> 3.7%, females 3.0% -> 4.6%).

     Extreme obesity: BMI 30 kg/m2



There were no significant changes in overall underweight percentages, but there were large differences in weight change by sex and age groups.

     Underweight: BMI 18.5 kg/m2


The number of the underweight males and females in their 60s or older was largely decreased, suggesting that the issues of being underweight and malnutrition were improved ([Attachment 1] Changes in underweight rates of males and females by age).


The number of the underweight young females in their 20s to 40s jumped, which is a warning that they are not in good health. Underweight rates were higher in younger age groups (Decreases of 5.4 percentage points in the 20s group, 4.2 percentage points in the 30s group, and 1.4 percentage points in the 40s were found. [Attachment 1]).


Professor Oh Sangwoo of Dongguk University said “Underweight individuals are at high risk of imbalanced nutrition and diseases such as osteoporosis, and also face a risk of death as high as obesity. I believe that the increasing number of underweight young females is the result of an excessive interest in obesity and dieting.”


In sum, the recent changes in obesity rates illustrate trends of Westernization, such as extreme obesity, the growing seriousness of underweight issues in young females, and the improvements in underweight issues in elderly individuals.


An official from the ministry said, “Improvements in underweight males and elderly females seem to be a result of improved living standards. By comparison, preventing further increase in Westernized extreme obesity requires practicing a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced nutrition, physical activities, not smoking and cutting down on alcohol consumption. It is also necessary to raise awareness in regards to what weight range is considered average to cope with the increasing number of underweight young females.”


Meanwhile, a campaign for the 3rd “Obesity Prevention Day” will be held under the slogan “Obesity prevention begins with changing small habits” for one week starting October 11th in association with government organizations and non-government groups.


Hosted by the Korean Society of the Study of Obesity and superintended by the Korea Public Health Association, this event will be held nationwide and will be sponsored by many national and private organizations including the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the National Health Insurance Corporation, and the Korea Association of Health Promotion.


<An overview of the event>

Ceremony to celebrate Obesity Prevention Day

Time and place: Thursday, Oct. 11th, 2012, 14:00~15:30, international seminar room at the KORCHAM

Ceremony and announcement of obesity prevention instructions, merit award ceremonies, video screenings, and congratulatory performances 


Forum on obesity prevention

Time and place: Thursday, Oct. 11th, 2012, 15:40~17:00, international seminar room at the KORCHAM

Lectures on the current status of obesity and discussions on obesity prevention


Obesity experience exhibition

Time and place: Thursday, Oct. 11th to Friday, Oct. 12th, 2012, 11:00~17:00, Gwanghwamoon Plaza

Experiencing obesity diagnoses such as examining visceral fat, exhibition on expert information, consultation booths (on nutrition, exercise, cutting down on alcohol consumption, stress, etc.), and distributing guidelines on rules to prevent obesity and maintain a healthy diet


Obesity prevention week

Time and place: Thursday, Oct. 11th to Wednesday, 17th, 2012, health centers nationwide, branches of the National Health Insurance Corporation, and the Korea Association of Health Promotion

Measuring and diagnosing obesity and consultations on healthy habits to prevent obesity


Analysis on obesity status: professor Oh Sangwoo (Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital) 010 - 3257 – 1902

Information on the events: director Bang Hyungae (Korea Public Health Association) 019 - 224 – 5954

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