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Press Release

(3.23.) Regular Briefing of Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters on COVID-19

  • Regdate2020-03-23 16:47
  • Hit7,159

(3.23.) Regular Briefing of Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters on COVID-19

- ▲Implementation status of social distancing, and ▲current status regarding supply and demand of masks, etc. -

□ The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters held a meeting today presided over by Head Chung Sekyun (Prime Minister) along with the central government and 17 cities and provinces to discuss ▲implementation status of social distancing, and ▲current status regarding supply and demand of masks at the Central Disaster and Safety Management Center in Government Complex Seoul.

□ Head Chung urged, at the meeting, the relevant ministries and local governments to put best efforts to make sure the inconvenience of the public is over within a short period of time, and schools start their new semester on April 6 as planned through stricter “social distancing” for 15 days.
 ○ He also said it is crucial to timely provide financial support for small business owners, requesting the relevant ministries to make utmost efforts to resolve challenges emerging in the field and local governments to help more people in need can benefit from such assistance.

1. Implementation status of social distancing

□ The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters was reported and reviewed the implementation status of social distancing by Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do (Province), and Gangwon-do (Province).

 ○ The four cities and provinces briefed mainly on awareness-raising measures for stronger social distancing, results of inspecting religious, indoor sports, entertainment facilities whether to comply with infection prevention guidelines, and follow-up measures.

□ The Headquarters also cracked down on churches if they abide by the infection prevention guidelines.

 ○ It was confirmed that out of 45,420 churches across the nation, 26,104 churches (57.5%) put public worship on hold or replaced it with the online one and the other churches holding services mostly complied with the prevention guideline.

 ○ Meanwhile, an administrative guidance was placed on 3,185 churches whose level of compliance with the guideline was insufficient.
□ For successful implementation of tougher “social distancing” for 15 days, Head Chung directed the local governments to thoroughly check if it is well implemented in the field.

 ○ He also asked each local government to work hard to encourage every region to have the same sense of crisis, in spite of some regional differences in outbreak, and to keep “social distancing”.

2. Implementation status of strengthened quarantine on entrants from Europe

□ The government conducted the diagnostic tests for COVID-19 targeting all incoming travelers arriving from Europe from 00:00, March 22 (Sun). It implemented stronger quarantine measures in which even those testing negative will go into self-quarantine for 14 days, or be managed ex post through active surveillance.

 ○ According to this measure, the Special Entry Procedure was conducted for 9,798 air passengers entering the country on March 22 from all parts of the world. Incoming travelers taking 6 flights departing from Europe* were transported to temporary living facilities, even though they showed no symptoms, for the diagnostic tests along with the Special Entry Procedure.

    * (Direct flight based on the departing country) Germany, UK, the Netherlands, France, (transit flight) Qatar, UAE, etc.

 ○ On March 22, the 1st day the procedure was implemented, 1,442 people** entered Korea departing from Europe*, which were subject to the diagnostic tests. Among them, 152 symptomatic people were isolated in isolation facilities at airport and went through the tests.

    * (Based on the 6 flights departing from Europe) total number of entrants 1,324, Koreans 1,221, foreign nationals 103, Rate of Koreans 92.2%
   ** Including passengers initially on board in Europe other than 6 flights from Europe

   - Also, asymptomatic 1,290 people were transported to the temporary facilities for diagnostic tests, and 6 of them tested negative at 19:00 yesterday and returned home.

   - The total test results are being counted. Those testing negative will go into self-quarantine* and be under active surveillance**, and the confirmed cases in mild conditions will be transported to the community treatment centers while the confirmed in serious conditions urgently transferred to hospitals.

    * Koreans and foreign nationals with place of residence in Korea for long-term stay will go into self-quarantine managed by the local governments even after testing negative.
   ** Foreign entrants to Korea for short-term stay, such as business purpose, will be under more enhanced active surveillance.

3. Shifting regular briefing on COVID-19 response to non-face-to-face briefing

□ The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters released that as part of the tougher social distancing for 15 days (Mar. 22∼Apr. 5), a regular briefing provided by the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters and the Central Disaster Control Headquarters is to be changed from today in a non-face-to-face manner.

 ○ According to this change, questions during the briefing will be delivered through the online chat room, and verbally answered as much as it can during the report.

□ Son Yongrae (spokesperson of MOHW), PR director of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures, expressed appreciation to the public and journalists for understanding the change into an online, non-face-to-face briefing, adding that the Headquarters continues to deliver COVID-19 responses and their status in transparent and accurate manners.

 ○ He also noted that a regular briefing of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters and Central Disease Control Headquarters is available as usual at the online e-briefing (ebrief.korea.kr) and COVID-19 website (ncov.mohw.go.kr).

4. Current status regarding supply and demand of masks

※ A separate briefing is planned for this information. In case of any query, contact to the following information:




Contact Information

Ministry of Economy and Finance

Economic Policy Division

044-215-2710, 2712

Price Policy Division

044-215-2770, 2771

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Bio-Convergence Industry Division

044-203-4390, 4391

Public Procurement Service

Procurement Planning Division

042-724-7210, 7265

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety

Customer Risk Prevention Policy Division

043-719-1711, 1722



※ All Koreans faced with issues regarding exorbitant prices of or hoarding masks and hand sanitizers are strongly advised to actively report to the authorities through the reporting center (02-2640-5057/5080/5087), customer call center (1372), and MFDS website (www.mfds.go.kr).


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