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Press Release

Additional Purchase of Oral COVID-19 Pills and Expansion of Prescription Targets

  • Regdate2022-05-18 17:00
  • Hit2,009

Additional Purchase of Oral COVID-19 Pills and Expansion of Preion Targets
코로나19 먹는 치료제 추가 구매 및 처방 대상 확대

MAY 13, 2022

The Korean government continues its efforts to provide oral pills for the treatment of COVID-19 by placing an additional purchase order of 1.009 million doses, increasing the total volume of antiviral treatment to 2.071 million doses.

To resolve blind spots and to prepare for the transition of treatment over to the general medical system in the fight against the virus, the Korean government will expand the target scope of the preion of the oral antiviral pills as of May 16th to include patients with underlying symptoms that meet the age requirements for emergency use cases as approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. (Pfizer’s Paxlovid: age 12 or above, MSD’s Lagevrio (Molnupiravir): age 18 or above)

Currently, oral treatment pills (Paxlovid, Lagevrio) are prescribed only to individuals who are aged 60 or above, those with weakened immune systems, or those aged 40 or above with underlying symptoms.

However, starting May 16th, the antivirals will be available by preion to those aged 60 or above, those with weakened immune systems, and those aged 12 or above (for Paxlovid) · 18 or above (for Lagevrio) with underlying symptoms.

Moreover, as of May 16th, patients who test positive on the rapid antigen tests administered by medical professionals will be provided with preions for the oral pills if they have underlying symptoms and meet the age requirements for emergency use cases approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

While the oral pill preions are currently allowed for individuals aged 60 or above who test positive on rapid antigen tests administered by medical professionals,

individuals aged 60 or above, those with weakened immune systems, and those aged 12 or above (for Paxlovid) · 18 or above (for Lagevrio) with underlying symptoms will be provided with preions when they test positive on rapid antigen tests administered by medical professionals as of May 16th, to align the target population with the generic preion scope.

// For inquiries, contact Media Relations, Ministry of Health and Welfare 044-202-2047 or fairytale@korea.kr

