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Press Release

MOHW Extends Period of Face-to-Face Contact Visits to Nursing Hospitals and Facilities

  • Regdate2022-05-26 14:19
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MOHW Extends Period of Face-to-Face Contact Visits to Nursing Hospitals and Facilities
요양병원·시설 대면 접촉 면회 실시 연장

MAY 20, 2022

The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters was briefed by, and discussed with, the Central Disaster Management Headquarters regarding a plan to extend the special period of face-to-face contact visits to nursing hospitals and facilities.

Given the current COVID-19 situation and on-site voices, it decided to extend the period of in-person visits tentatively allowed for April 30 to May 22, 2022, in celebration of May, which is considered “family month” in South Korea.
The decision came after considering various factors, including the stable COVID-19 situation in nursing hospitals and facilities with the number of mass infections continuing to decline, high vaccination rates of fourth doses, and continuing demands for contact visits from patients and their families.

The period may be further extended or reduced depending on future COVID developments.

The same visit eligibility criteria and rules will apply to the extended period, with additional improvements made to reflect on-site needs.


< Contact Visit Eligibility Criteria and Rules >

Eligibility: Patients, residents, and visitors who meet one of the following criteria


Meet COVID-19 vaccination criteria for prevention of transmission



An unconfirmed cases

Confirmed cases

Inpatients or

facility residents


Inpatients or

facility residents


18 and older

Completion of 4th dose vaccination

Completion of at least 3rd dose vaccination

Completion of at least 2nd dose vaccination

Under 18


Completion of at least 2nd dose vaccination


* Those within three months after the 3rd vaccine dose and not yet within the 4th dose period wll be allowed to visit

* For those who have not been vaccinated due to potential side effects, contact visits are allowed when the head of the applicable facility decides to allow them to according to the doctor’s opinion.


- (Patients and residents) The head of the facility decides whether to allow them to have a visit after listening to the opinion of their attending or consultant doctor.

- (Visitors) Submit a letter of their doctor’s opinion


Within 3 to 90 days after release from isolation after confirmed infection regardless of vaccination status


Visit rules: (Before visit) prior reservation, limited number of visitors per patient (4 persons, with more allowable depending on the facility’s circumstances), and negative COVID-19 status via PCR or RAT; (During visit) body temperature check, mask-wearing, hand hygiene, and no drinking or eating; (After visit) space to be disinfected and ventilated for at least 15 minutes


Contact visits are available to patients, residents, and visitors who satisfy any one of the above vaccination criteria or have been recently released from isolation after a confirmed infection. Those who have not been vaccinated due to potential side effects* can also have contact visits.

*For patients and residents, the head of their facility will make a decision after considering the opinion of their attending or consultant doctor, while visitors must submit a letter of their doctor’s opinion.   

In addition, the number of visitors per patient or resident is restricted to four persons, but more visitors can be allowed depending on the facility’s circumstances.

To ensure that the elderly have safe face-to-face visits after a long separation from their families, the government has requested nursing hospitals and facilities to make all necessary preparations and visitors to comply with the visit rules.

Drinking and eating is prohibited and mask-wearing is required during the visit, while the space must be thoroughly disinfected and ventilated after the visit.

// For inquiries, contact Media Relations, Ministry of Health and Welfare
044-202-2047 or fairytale@korea.kr


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  • pdf AttachFiles (5.20)MOHW Extends Period of Face-to-Face Contact Visits to Nursing Hospitals and Facilities.pdf ( 63.39KB / Download 199. / Preview 76. ) Download 미리보기/음성듣기