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Press Release

COVID-19 measures for infection-vulnerable facilities eased from June 20

  • Regdate2022-06-22 16:14
  • Hit1,345

COVID-19 measures for infection-vulnerable facilities eased from June 20
요양병원, 시설 등 감염취약시설 방역조치 완화



June 17, 2022


Coupled with the continued downward trend in the number of new COVID-19 cases since the implementation of the post-Omicron response plan, key indicators for infection-vulnerable facilities have also shown signs of improvement, such as decreases in the number of confirmed cases, cluster outbreaks, and the number of deaths among elderly patients.


The preemptive and routine testing of workers at these facilities via PCR or RAT will be reduced from twice to once a week in consideration of their testing fatigue and low positive rates (0.1%).


* Individuals who have completed a fourth dose of vaccination or have already had COVID-19 after their second vaccine shot are currently exempted from the preemptive testing.


Newly admitted patients are currently required to take a PCR test on the first and third days of their admission to these facilities and isolate for four days. Going forward, however, testing will be reduced to once at the time of admission and no isolation required with a negative test result.


While only fully vaccinated individuals or those confirmed to have had COVID-19 have been allowed for face-to-face contact visits thus far, anyone can visit these facilities without restrictions from now on, and the number of visitors, which has been limited to four per patient in principle, will be adjustable at the discretion of the facilities depending on their situation.


However, to ensure safety during visits, protocols such as reservations to visit, pre-visit testing, mask-wearing, no drinking or eating, and ventilation before and after the visit will be maintained.




< Revision to In-Person Visit Rules >







4th vaccine shot (some individuals not meeting the criteria allowed for in-person visits at the discretion of the facility head)



3rd vaccine shot* (negative RAT or PCT test results)

Removed (negative RAT or PCT test results maintained)



4 or less in principle, more allowed at the discretion of the facility head

Determined depending on the facility situation

* Individuals who satisfy the vaccination criteria, or within 3 to 90 days after release from isolation after confirmed infection, are allowed for in-person visits.


The scope of permission for going out and overnight stays outside of facilities will be expanded beyond the purpose of essential outpatient treatment.


Individuals who have completed a fourth dose of vaccination or have already had COVID-19 after at least their second vaccine shot are allowed to go out or stay overnight outside for purposes other than outpatient treatment. However, when returning to the facilities, they should take a PCR or RAT test.


In addition, programs taught by visiting instructors have only been allowed for day- and night-care centers, but all facilities will be authorized to operate such programs going forward under the conditions that the instructors must have completed at least a third dose of vaccination and take a test if they have symptoms.


The revised COVID-19 response measures for nursing and mental hospitals and facilities will take effect from June 20 (Mon.) onward, and they will be subject to change depending on COVID-19-related developments.


In addition, in order to minimize the health risks of patients in vulnerable facilities, measures to protect high-risk groups will be further toughened, such as operating a fast-track for high-risk groups and task force teams* for nursing facilities.

* Task force teams in operation: 196 teams in 150 organizations, in-person treatment for 1,791 people (as of June 16)


The Central Disaster Management Headquarters (CDMH) stated its expectations for the revised quarantine measures to help patients in vulnerable facilities return to their daily lives in a safe and healthy manner.


CDMH urged each facility to make thorough preparations for the seamless implementation of the revised measures, while also calling for visitors to comply with the public health rules.



// For inquiries contact Media Relations, Ministry of Health and Welfare

044-202-2047 or fairytale@korea.kr



