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Press Release

Revised Livelihood and Medical Care Support Programs to Be Implemented on July 11

  • Regdate2022-06-29 11:16
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Revised Livelihood and Medical Care Support Programs to Be Implemented on July 11
7월 11일부터 코로나19 생활지원 및 치료비 지원제도 개편 적용

June 24, 2022

(Livelihood Support) Whereas, in the past, the preset amounts of KRW 100,000 and KRW 150,000 were provided for all one-person households and households of two or more members, respectively, regardless of income, the revised program targets households with income standing at 100% or less of the national median income*. (If the combined amount of National Health Insurance contributions of all co-living members of the household, regardless of quarantine status, is not more than the preset per-household-member base amount, the household will be considered eligible for the support.)

The National Health Insurance contribution amount, which serves as the eligibility criterion, can be checked via the National Health Insurance Service’s website and call center(1577-1000).

(Paid Leave) Support for paid leave expenses, which was originally provided to all SMEs allowing employees to take paid leave for at-home care or in-patient care due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will now be offered to only those companies with less than 30 employees*.

The government will downscale its support for the co-payments of National Health Insurance subscribers for COVID-19 treatment by phase, while continuing to provide support for the relatively high co-payments for in-patient care expenses.

(At-Home Care Support) Based on the government’s decision to incorporate COVID-19 treatment into the general healthcare system, the program will be realigned to eliminate government support for at-home care, which incurs a much lower amount* of co-payment compared to that of in-patient care.

For those unable to pay co-payments on site due to the use of contact-free patient services, etc., other payment methods, such as bank account transfers, payment apps (Goodoc, etc.), and prepaid reserves, may be utilized based on prior consensus between the respective healthcare provider and patient.

(In-Patient Care Support) In-patient care support will be maintained as hospitalization often incurs a considerable financial burden due to costly COVID-19 treatment options* and placement in an isolated single-patient room for infection prevention.

However, treatment support for residents of sanatoriums without any physicians stationed will be maintained at the level equivalent to in-patient care support in consideration of their inability to be hospitalized due to pre-existing medical conditions, etc.

Additionally, government support will be offered on a continued basis for costly oral antivirals and injections for the treatment of COVID-19, such as Paxlovid.

These revisions will take effect on July 11 after sufficient publicity and on-site implementation preparations for those notified of placement under hospitalization or isolated at-home care.

The Central Disaster Management Headquarters expects that these revisions will ensure greater efficiency in the support programs and allow enhanced support for those in need of long-term aid. The Headquarters asks for the public’s close cooperation on these revisions to improve the sustainability of infection control measures.

The Headquarters also requests relevant institutions and local governments to remain prepared for implementing the revised programs to ensure the convenience of and seamless support for the public on site.

// For inquiries contact Media Relations, Ministry of Health and Welfare
044-202-2047 or fairytale@korea.kr


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