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Press Release

Korea’s Anti-Smoking TV Ad Series Will Be Remade and Air in Vietnam

  • Regdate2022-07-15 16:50
  • Hit10,554

Korea’s Anti-Smoking TV Ad Series Will Be Remade and Air in Vietnam

세계보건기구(WHO)와 베트남 보건부도 한국 금연광고의 우수성을 인정하다



Jul 13, 2022


The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) announced that an anti-smoking TV advertisement series produced in Korea will be exported to Vietnam to air as an extension of Vietnam’s anti-smoking campaign.


At the request of the World Health Organization(WHO) Representative Office for Vietnam and the Ministry of Health of Vietnam, the two anti-smoking TV ads produced by MOHW in 2017 and 2021 will be remade in Vietnam, and an infographic video highlighting the increased risk of COVID-19 for smokers produced in 2020 will also be re-released.


As an increasing number of youth in Vietnam are beginning to use e-cigarettes, the Ministry of Health and Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Vietnam are planning to launch an extensive anti-smoking campaign by capitalizing on the TV ads produced for Korea’s smoking prevention campaign for youth (“No Smoking Campaign”).


A total of three videos produced by MOHW are being exported to Vietnam: two TV ads and an infographic video about how COVID-19 is more deadly for smokers.


The first ad, entitled “Quit Smoking Here and Now”, aired in 2017 and features a man in his 60s who was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) after 40 years of smoking to more effectively deliver the harmful effects of smoking.


The second ad, entitled “No Smoking Is the Answer; Distance Yourself from Smoking”, aired in 2021. It emphasizes the importance of mask wearing, social distancing, and no smoking to get through the COVID-19 crisis and encourages smokers to quit smoking by featuring a child who is worried about her dad’s health.


The infographic video highlighting that smokers are at greater risk of COVID-19 was produced in 2020 to inform viewers that smoking heightens the risk of infection and aggravates symptoms. In Vietnam, this video will be released in two episodes.


The final four videos have been reviewed and approved by MOHW for airing in Vietnam and will be marked with a phrase indicating that they are based on MOHW’s campaign in Korea.


Dr. Socorro Escalante, Acting WHO Representative in Vietnam, offered his gratitude to MOHW for approving the use of the videos.


MOHW Bureau of Healthcare Policy Head Dr. IN-TAEK LIM said, “Vietnam’s anti-smoking campaign is the first overseas remake of the Korean government’s anti-smoking advertisements. We take pride in this historic milestone and will strive to elevate our anti-smoking campaign to new heights to contribute to building a smoke-free world.”


//For Inquiries contact Media Relations, Ministry of Health and Welfare

044-202-2047 or fairytale@korea.kr


