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MOHW shared Korea’s legislation and policymaking experiences in the field of health and population to Vietnamese Committee on Social Affairs of the National Assembly

  • Regdate2022-08-25 11:22
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MOHW shared Korea’s legislation and policymaking experiences in the field of health and population to Vietnamese Committee on Social Affairs of the National Assembly

베트남 국회 사회위원회 대표단 방한 계기, 보건 및 인구정책 논의


AUG 18, 2022

Deputy Minister Kim Hyunjun, who is the head of the Global Vaccine Hub Office of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW), met with Vice Chairman of Committee for Social Affairs of Vietnam National Assembly Nguyen Hoang Mai at the MOHW at 10:00 on August 18 (Thu.) to share the health and population policies of Korea.

This meeting was arranged on the occasion of Mr. Nguyen’s visit to Korea from August 15 (Mon.) to August 21 (Sun.) as the head of the delegation of the Committee on Social Affairs of the National Assembly of Vietnam under the aim of sharing Korea’s legislation and policymaking experiences in the field of health and welfare.

The two countries have steadily maintained bilateral cooperation in the field of health and welfare as evidenced by the Korea-Vietnam MOU for Healthcare Cooperation concluded in 2008, the exchange of medical supplies and vaccines last year, and the Korea-Vietnam Social Security Agreement signed in December last year.

During the meeting, the Vietnamese delegation requested the sharing of Korea’s measures to respond to and remain prepared for the impacts of the decreasing birth rate and population aging in addition to the nation’s healthcare policies.

Among our healthcare policies, the Vietnamese delegation was particularly interested in the National Health Insurance scheme (the operating system and finances of National Health Insurance, medical fees supported by National Health Insurance, etc.), the management of healthcare workers including the healthcare worker license system, and the government’s role and responsibility in ensuring that the private and public healthcare sectors fulfill their purposes.

Deputy Minister Kim gave detailed explanations on Korea’s healthcare policies (policymaking process and role of the National Health Insurance Service, role of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, fee-for-service structure, etc.), the role of MOHW in fostering healthcare workers, the role of the Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute, and the government’s efforts to elicit the provision of public healthcare services through private healthcare providers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also articulated Korea’s policies to guarantee income and support childcare to respond to the decreasing birth rate and on the long-term medical treatment insurance program aimed at catering to the needs of the aging population.


At the end of the meeting, Deputy Minister Kim extended his gratitude for Vietnam’s cooperation during the process of COVID-19 vaccine development by Korea and requested Vietnam’s participation in the Global Training Hub for Biomanufacturing and the World Bio Summit 2022, scheduled to be held in Seoul from October 25 to 26.

He added, “This meeting was all the more significant as this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic ties with Vietnam. We sincerely hope that our experiences and knowledge will contribute to the advancement of Vietnam’s health and population policies.”

Vice Chairman Nguyen responded, “It was a highly significant opportunity to learn about the health and population policies implemented by MOHW. I expect that this will serve as momentum to expand bilateral cooperation between our two countries in related fields.”

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  • pdf AttachFiles (8.18.)MOHW shared Korea’s legislation and policymaking experiences in the field of health and population to Vietnamese Committee on Social Affairs of the National Assembly(최종).pdf ( 48.71KB / Download 234. / Preview 92. ) Download 미리보기/음성듣기