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The UN Committee reviewed Korea’s implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

  • Regdate2022-08-26 15:08
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The UN Committee reviewed Korea’s implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

유엔장애인권리협약 국가보고서, 824~25일 심의

On August 24 (Wed.) and 25 (Thurs.), the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) attended 27th regular session of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Geneva, Switzerland, along with the the Ministry of Education; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Ministry of Employment and Labor; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Ministry of Justice, for the review of domestic implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The convention is an international human rights treaty, comprising 50 articles and an Optional Protocol of 18 articles, intended to ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights for and the prohibition of discrimination against persons with disabilities, while also raising public awareness on related issues.

The Convention was unanimously adopted by the 192 Member States at the 61st United Nations General Assembly in December 2006. The Committee, established under the United Nations Human Rights Committee, is responsible for monitoring the Convention implementation status of signatory countries.

Korea became a State Party to the Convention after the National Assembly’s ratification in December 2008 and underwent its first review of domestic implementation status by the Committee in 2014.

Pursuant to the Convention, all States Parties are required to submit subsequent reports every four years after the submission of the initial report. As such, the current meeting marked Korea’s second review by the Committee.

In March 2019, the Korean government submitted its combined second and third periodic reports, which detail the nation’s achievements and limitations in the promotion of human rights of persons with disabilities, based on the Committee’s decision to consider the second and third periodic reports together.

The official review of the submitted periodic reports was postponed due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that travel restrictions have been eased, the 27th session of the Committee is being held from August 15 (Mon.) to September 9 (Fri.) to review the Convention implementation status of the eight countries of China, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Korea, Bangladesh, Laos, and Singapore (in order of report consideration).

During the review process, MOHW gave detailed explanations on the Korean government’s continued efforts and future plans to introduce the “individual budget” (designed to provide cash aid to individuals to select and purchase necessary welfare services on their own) in relation to the national policy task of ”offering customized support for persons with disabilities in an integrated manner” and expand support for persons with developmental disabilities.

Based on the results of the review, MOHW plans to incorporate measures to ensure the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in the 6th Comprehensive Policy Plan for Persons with Disabilities (2023-2027) currently being established.

The government delegation’s Chief Representative Yeom Min Seob (Director general of the Bureau of Policy for Persons with Disabilities of MOHW) said, “We effectively delivered the Korean government’s commitment to reinforcing support for the daily needs of persons with disabilities and thereby realizing a society without barriers between persons with and without disabilities during the review process.”

He added, “We will build on the Committee’s invaluable input to accurately assess the current standing of Korea’s policy for persons with disabilities based on international standards and universal perspectives and advance a society without barriers between persons with and without disabilities”

// For inquiries contact Media Relations, Ministry of Health and Welfare

044-202-2047 or fairytale@korea.kr

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