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Press Release

Korea-ADB Launch their Second Collaborative Training Program

  • Regdate2022-09-26 09:41
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Korea-ADB Launch their Second Collaborative Training Program

대한민국·아시아개발은행(ADB), 두 번째 협력 교육 시작



SEP 26, 2022



On September 26th (Monday), the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) announced that Korea will start the 2nd KOR-ADB Vaccine Manufacturing Training for 27 vaccine manufacturing trainees from 8 countries across the Asia-Pacific region.


2nd KOR-ADB Vaccine Manufacturing Training for Asia-Pacific countries is a program that offers didactic and hands-on training on the vaccine manufacturing process for 8 weeks by inviting trainees engaged in the manufacturing of vaccines and biologics from Developing Member Countries(DMCs) of Asian Development Bank(ADB) as part of the Global Training Hub for Bio-manufacturing initiative supported by WHO.


The Program was jointly launched last year by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and the Asian Development Bank*, based on their LOI(Letter of Intent) on the increased production and supply of vaccines and support for improving the Developing Member Countries(DMCs) health system.


*Asian Development Bank (ADB, 68 members) : A multilateral development bank promoting economic growth and cooperation in Asia-Pacific region that is established to assist economic development of intraregional Developing Member Countries(DMCs).


The trainees jointly selected by MOHW and ADB from developing Asia-Pacific nations with vaccine production capacity will be receiving their training at K-NIBRT* located in Songdo, Incheon.


* K-NIBRT (Korea National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training) : An institution establishing education infrastructure approved under the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) system and operating training programs specialized for bio-manufacturing workforce.


All costs incurred, including the training and travel costs, will be covered by ADBs Technical Assistance Special Fund (#9950) and the e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund (eAKPF).




The first training provided in June consisted of didactic training on the development and manufacturing of vaccines (3 weeks) and hands-on training on the overall process of the vaccine manufacturing process, from Fermentation to Utilities and Packaging (5 weeks). The 33 trainees from 12 nations have successfully completed their training and are ready to be deployed to the vaccine manufacturing industry of their home countries.


In particular, one trainee who is a production manager at a national pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh mentioned during the interview that “Bangladesh is facing difficulties as the country without COVID-19 vaccine production capacity” and added, “we are short of human resources with the professional training and proper experience, even though we have the funds to establish the company. This practical training program will be very helpful.


The high satisfaction rates of the trainees were well reflected in their training evaluation results. Out of a 5-point scale satisfaction survey, the trainees gave the didactic training an average score of 4.6 and the hands-on training a 4.5. In particular, the response ‘I have acquired professional knowledge and skills through the hands-on training’ (average score of 4.6) received the highest scores, revealing how satisfied the trainees were with their practical sessions.


The current training will proceed with the same curriculum as the first one, with additional improvements based on the know-how acquired during the training of the first training program.

After the 8-week training, the trainees will be awarded a letter of certification, jointly signed by the Minister of Health and Welfare and the President of Yonsei University, as well as digital badges that they can post on their social media accounts.


he 2nd KOR-ADB Vaccine Manufacturing Training opening ceremony>


The opening ceremony, which marks the start of the training, will take place at the International Campus (Incheon Songdo) of Yonsei University on 26th September (Monday).


Kim Hyun-Joon, the Deputy Minister for the Global Vaccine Hub Office of MOHW, expressed during his congratulatory remarks that “Korea truly becomes a Global Training Hub for Biomanufacturing (supported by WHO) by successfully embedding training on the vaccine manufacturing process” while highlighting the importance of Korea’s role as a Global Training Hub for Biomanufacturing.


Kim Young-Ok, Executive Director of the Korea Health Industry Development Institute commented that “the successful completion of the 1st vaccine training by the K-NIBRT was a meaningful achievement that reaffirms the excellence of Korea as a Global Training Hub for Biomanufacturing.” He added, “the Institute will continue to support the Global Training Hub for Biomanufacturing, so that it can play a pivotal role in helping Korea leap forward as a global vaccine hub.”


Lee Jin-Woo, Senior Vice President of International Campus& Chairperson of K-NIBRT, stated I hope that the trainees can contribute to manufacturing and developing vaccines and new drugs in their home countries through this training which are dealing with mRNA.


//For inquiries contact Media Relations, Ministry of Health and Welfare

044-202-2047 or fairytale@korea.kr

