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Press Release

Korea to leap forward as a bio-health center by leading global cooperation

  • Regdate2022-10-25 17:06
  • Hit4,241

Korea to leap forward as a bio-health center by leading global cooperation

대한민국, 글로벌 협력 주도로 바이오헬스 중심국가 도약 박차



OCT 25, 2022


The Ministry of Health and Welfare is hosting the World Bio Summit 2022(WBS 2022) in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) from Oct 25. to 26. at Seoul Walkerhill hotel on the theme of ‘the Future of Vaccine and Bio-health’.


WBS 2022 is being held for the first time this year. Korean government expects it to be an opportunity to lead in international discussions in the vaccine and bio sectors as the South Korean government aims to be a "bio-health leading country"


In the WBS 2022, global leaders and CEOs of global vaccine and biologics companies will gather to learn the lessons to share their experiences in the COVID-19 response and discuss international cooperation measures of future infectious diseases based on technological innovation.


Under the public health crisis caused by COVID-19 pandemic some countries have developed vaccines, treatments, and diagnostic devices in a short period.


However, many countries did not have fair access to these infectious disease countermeasures, which prolonged the global infectious disease crisis.


The response to future global pandemics of infectious diseases should be conducted in a more rapid and equitable way. To achieve this, technological innovation across the entire development, production, and supply of vaccines and pharmaceuticals is required, and efforts to strengthen global cooperation are needed through this event.


On the 1st day(October 25), there will be an Opening Ceremony. And on the 2nd day(October 26) there will be a Congratulatory message, Plenary sessions (3), Discussions (3), and Closing session.

< WBS 2022 Program >





The Korean government, WHO Opening ceremony and remarks, Congratulatory Messages, Plenary Speeches


Global·Domestic Vaccine·Treatment·Biologics Company




The Korean government and other leaders’ special speech, Seoul Declaration


Governments’ Efforts to Overcome COVID-19 and Expectations on mRNA Technology Transfer Hub and Global Training Hub for Biomanufacturing (GTH-B) R&D Investment Strategies: Vaccine & Biologics Preparation for post Covid-19 The Need for Global Efforts and Cooperation for Preparation for the Next Pandemic


Stabilizing Global Supply Chain of Raw Materials, Components and Equipment of Vaccines Global Diagnostics Development Trends and Prospects
Global Regulatory Cooperation on Vaccine & Biologics


Wrap-up 6 sessions


President of Nigeria, Prime minister of Vietnam (via ideo), Health ministers from 7 countries, 15 CEOs of global pharmaceutical companies, and Heads of 14 international organizations include WHO Secretary-General(via video) participate in this event.


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general, attends the event online to deliver a speech to highlight the importance of international cooperation for infectious disease response.


Furthermore, Muhammadu Buhari, president of Nigeria expressed expectations for Korea to play an active role in strengthening the capacity to respond to infectious diseases through international cooperation in the congratulatory speech. Pham Minh Chinh the prime minister of Vietnam will also deliver a video congratulatory speech.


The health ministers of Thailand, Nigeria and Tunisia will attend the event in person, while the health ministers of Germany, Argentina, El Salvador and Egypt will attend via video.


In addition, representatives of global vaccine and pharmaceutical company Shionogi, South African vaccine manufacturing company Biovac and Afrigen Biologics and Vaccines, and domestic companies such as SK Bioscience and ILDONG Pharmaceutical, etc.


Participants from international organizations such as Asian Development Bank (ADB) President, World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Scientist and assistant director-general for Access to Medicines and Health Products, Unitaid Executive Director, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations(CEPI) CEO, International Vaccine Institute(IVI) Secretary-General, etc. also present at the event.



< Participants (Total of 69) >
























Government 4, Academy 1, Company 1










North America(7)

Government 2, Regional organization 1, Related Industry 1, Company 3






















government 10, Regional organization 3, Company 9, Foundation 2, Academy·related industry 5




















Government 7, Company 2,

Regional organization 1








International Organization(14)


WB, IFPMA, etc


Central South America (3)

Government 3





In addition, a total of 1,300 people (755 on-site and 574 online pre-registration as of Oct. 21), including 300 people from governments, International/domestic companies, and related organizations, will participate in the event on- and off-line.



// For inquiries, contact Media Relations, Ministry of Health and Welfare

044-202-2047 or fairytale@korea.kr

