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Press Release

ROK-ASEAN Invitational Meeting for Enhancing Cooperation in Healthcare

  • Regdate2022-11-30 18:51
  • Hit3,926

ROK-ASEAN Invitational Meeting for Enhancing Cooperation in Healthcare

-아세안 보건의료 분야 협력 강화를 위한 간담회 개최



NOV 29, 2022

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (Minister Cho Kyoo-hong) and the Korea Health Promotion Institute (President Cho Hyunjang) held a ROK-ASEAN Invitational Meeting in Enhancing Cooperation in Healthcare on November 29 (Tue) at 10 am at Yeong Bin Gwan, Shilla Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul with ASEAN member countries, the most important cooperative partners in the Indo-Pacific region, which account for 65% of the world's population and more than 60% of global GDP.

The meeting was attended by Kim Heonjoo, Deputy Minister of Planning and Coordination at the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Cho Hyunjang, President of the Korea Health Promotion Institute, from the Korean side. Malaysian Ambassador to Korea Datuk Lim Juay Jin, and officials from Embassies of Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines, and Singapore as well as Chief of the International Relations Division of the Bureau of International Health Cooperation Joel H. Buenaventura from the Department of Health of the Republic of the Philippines also attended.

Since the establishment of ROK-ASEAN Healthcare Dialogue Channel in August 2020, ROK and ASEAN have been carrying out various cooperative projects centered on universal health coverage (UHC) and health security.

The meeting was designed to share the results of the first phase of ROK-ASEAN cooperation projects and identify how to expand the fields of cooperation to incorporate healthcare system, health industry, health promotion, digital health and capacity building for healthcare providers in the second phase from 2024.

Meanwhile, at the meeting, Kim Somin, Deputy Director of the Division of Trade Development at MOHW, explained the background of ROK-ASEAN healthcare cooperation and the mid- to long-term plan and direction of the ROK-ASEAN healthcare cooperation strategic project. Oh Yumi, Director of International Health Cooperation Taskforce at the Korea Health Promotion Institute, shared the direction for advancing ROK-ASEAN healthcare cooperation system. In addition, an international health expert Yoon Sangchul, Visiting Scientist of Global Health and Population at Harvard School of Public Health, gave a presentation on the implications of ROK-ASEAN healthcare cooperation and its significance from the perspective of international health.

In a congratulatory speech, Deputy Minister Kim Heonjoo, Deputy Minister of Planning and Coordination at the Ministry of Health and Welfare said, “ASEAN is our most important cooperative partner, and the ROK government, as a responsible member of the international community, is ready to actively share our experience of achieving advanced-country-level in various healthcare indicators in a short period of time,“ and ”I hope that today’s meeting will serve as a meaningful venue for ROK and ASEAN to form a consensus on strengthening cooperation in the health care field, and to seek mid- to long-term plans to enhance cooperation,

Cho Hyunjang, President of the Korea Health Promotion Institute, said, "This year, we have produced meaningful results to lay the foundation for effective cooperation by visiting various ASEAN countries and conducting surveys among member states," and “I hope that today’s meeting can enhance close communication and pave the way to identifying mutually beneficial cooperation measures in healthcare.

// For inquiries, contact Media Relations, Ministry of Health and Welfare

044-202-2047 or fairytale@korea.kr

