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Press Release

Government Explores Ways to Improve Health Policy to Respond to Climate Crisis

  • Regdate2023-07-12 13:01
  • Hit909

Government Explores Ways to Improve Health Policy
to Respond to Climate Crisis

- The Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth, and the Korea Health Promotion Institute collaborate and host the “7th Forum on Future Health Strategy” on July 4 -

The Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Korea Health Promotion Institute, and the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth jointly host the “7th Forum on Future Health Strategy” on the “Impact of the Climate Crisis on Our Life and Health” at 2 p.m. on July 4 (Tuesday) at Voco Seoul Gangnam(located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul).

The debate brings experts from a variety of different fields together who will discuss the impact of the climate crisis on our life and health and explore ways to improve Korea’s health policy and health promotion programs.

At the first subcommittee meeting, there will be two topic presentations, and representatives of the municipalities will share their experiences by introducing model cases. First, Chae, Sumi, Head of the Center for Research on Future Disease Response of the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs will speak on the “Impact of the Climate Crisis on Our Life and Health”, followed by a presentation on “Strategies to Create Healthy Cities in Response to Climate Crisis” by Kwang-wook Koh, professor of the College of Medicine, Kosin University.

Next, representatives from Busan Metropolitan City and Dong-gu in Gwangju Metropolitan City will explain their health promotion projects to cope with the climate crisis and the related outcomes of these projects.

The second subcommittee meeting will be presided over by Gayoung Yoo, professor of the College of Engineering, Kyung Hee University featuring the two keynote speakers and five experts* from different fields on ways to improve health policy and health promotion programs in response to the climate crisis.

* ▴ Sanghyuk Bae, professor of the College of Medicine, the Catholic University of Korea,
▴ Ho-jang Kwon, professor of the College of Medicine, Dankook University,
▴ Jiwon Ha, President of Ecomom Korea,
▴ Mok Heo, head of the public health center in Gimhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do,
▴ Hyerin Park, team manager of the Climate Change Adaptation Team of the Presidential Commission
on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth

In his written opening remarks, Minister of Health and Welfare Cho, KyooHong said, “Climate change is a key determining factor for citizens’ health. Building on the outcomes of today’s forum, we will work on developing a more sophisticated health promotion policy to better respond to the climate crisis.”

The debate will be live-streamed on the official YouTube channel* of the Korea Health Promotion Institute. Anyone can join the debate by posting their opinions or asking questions in real-time on the presentations and discussions during the debate in the comment section. ///

※ To join the event, search “Future Health Promotion Forum” on YouTube (https://url.kr/mizdwu)
