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Press Release

Korea and Africa Discuss Cooperation in Healthcare

  • Regdate2023-09-15 10:18
  • Hit1,319

Korea and Africa Discuss Cooperation in Healthcare


- Minister of Health and Welfare Cho, KyooHong meets

with the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) -


Minister of Health and Welfare Cho, KyooHong met with African Development Bank (AfDB) President Akinwumi Adesina on September 11 (Monday) to discuss ways of cooperation in the area of healthcare between Korea and Africa.


The AfDB requested the meeting in the hope of expanding cooperation with the Korean government.


Minister Cho provided a briefing on current Korea-Africa cooperation projects including official development assistance (ODA), Korea’s role in the training of the global healthcare workforce, and existing MOUs, expressing his aspiration for the two sides to further expand cooperation.


President Adesina said, “Today’s meeting was a good opportunity to share Korea’s experiences and achievements in vaccines and biotechnology and to confirm the commitment to greater cooperation between the two of us. I look forward to discovering specific ways to expand healthcare cooperation through various initiatives.”


In response, Minister Cho proposed the AfDB to participate in the World Bio Summit co-hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Republic of Korea in November 2023 to discuss how to prepare for the next pandemic. He also requested AfDB’s support in encouraging the biomanufacturing workforce in Africa to participate in the training programs provided by the Global Training Hub for Biomanufacturing in Korea, designated by WHO. ///
