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For Entrants to Korea Guidelines for COVID-19 Infection Prevention

  • Regdate2020-03-25 09:52
  • Hit820

For entrants to Korea Guidelines for COVID-19 Infection Prevention

질병관리본부 KCDC 해외감염병NOW 1339

For entrants to Korea Guidelines for COVID-19 Infection Prevention

*Due the recent COVID-19 global pandemic, all persons entering the Republic of Korea are advised to follow the following instructions to prevent infection and/or transmission.

Follow these measures at all times during your stay in Korea
  • Wear a face mask. Avoid contact with other people.
For the next 14 days, adhere to the following
  • Minimize going outside, and strictly avoid visiting any place that is used, shared, or visited by many poeple.
  • at home, avoid close contact with family or those you share living sapce with.(Keep a distance of at least 2 meters)
  • Watch for fever or respiratory symptoms.
  • Inform your school or work of ou trvel history.
  • Adhere to persnal hygiene measures, including washing your hands and fully covering you coughs/sneezes with your upper arm.

※Make sure to strictly follow these guidelines even if you don't feel any symptoms of have very mild symptoms (such as tiredness, boredom, headache)

If you have symptoms within the next 14 days
  • If you develop fever or respiratory symptoms (e.g. couhts. sore throat, muscle pain, difficulty breathing), do not go to school or work. Do not leave home.
  • Contact a local public health center or call the KCDC call center (☏1339) or local call center (area code+120), and visit a screening center to get tested.
  • When you visit a health center or a healthcare provider, inform the staff of your travel history and your history of any contact with persons with respiratory symptoms.

*Please note that your local poblic health center will be notified of your name. Your travel history will be provided to medical institutions via Drug Utilization Review(DUR), international Traveler Information System(ITS) program.

*Follow the instructions of healthcare professionals and public health authorities at all times.

※In accordance with paragraph 5 of Artical 76-2 of the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act, the records of your overseas trabel will be delivered to medical institutions to provide information for medical diagnosis and treatment. Such informaiton will be used for the purpose of infectious disease prevention only and will be deleted immediately after 14 days.

(Front) Date of issue:2020.03.20.

For entrants to Korea Guidelines for COVID-19 Infection Prevention

질병관리본부 KCDC 해외감염병NOW 1339

For entrants to Korea Guidelines for COVID-19 Infection Prevention

*Due the recent COVID-19 global pandemic, all persons entering the Republic of Korea are advised to follow the following instructions to prevent infection and/or transmission.

Major Symptoms of COVID-19
  • Fever (37.5°C or above)
  • Respiratory symptoms (e.g. coughs, sore throat, muscle pains, difficulty breathing)
Personal hygiene measures
  • Wash your hands for at least 30 seconds under running water.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or lips with your hands before washing them.
  • Fully cover your mouth and nose with your arm sleeve when coughing.
  • Wear a face mask when visiting medical providers, or at all times if you have fever or respiratory symptoms.
  • Ventilate your indoor spaces frequently.
How to use the mobile self-check app
  • Install the Self Health Check mobile app as per the Special Entry Procedure.
  • Enter your health status on this app everyday for the next 14 days. *If you show symptoms for two consecutive days, your local public health center will contact you by phone to check your health condition.

How to use the mobile seltoheck app(http://nocv.mohw.go.kr/selfcheck/)

*Follow the instructions of healthcare professionals and public health authorities at all times.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 76-2 of the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act, the records of your overseas travel will delivered to medical institutions to provide information for medical diagnosis and treatment. Such information will be used for the purpose of infectious disease prevention only and will be deleted immediately after 14 days.

(Back) Date of issue:2020.03.20.