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WHO 직원모집 안내

  • 작성일2001-06-19 16:37
  • 조회수4,004
  • 담당자 오세라
  • 담당부서국제협력담당관실
  • 전화번호503-7524,8206
  • 기간 ~
Title : Statistician (Time-limited post - two years) Grade : P.4 Official station (country) : Geneva (Switzerland) Organizational Location/Unit : Family and Community Health (FCH) Department of Reproduction Health and Research (RHR) Objectives of the programme : The UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP), Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR), is the main instrument within the United Nations system for promoting, conducting, evaluating and coordinating interdisciplinary research on reproductive health, for collaborating with countries in enhancing national capacities to conduct such research, for promoting the use of research results in policy making and planning for reproductive health care, and for the setting of standards and guidelines, including ethical guidelines, in the field of reproductive health research. The Clinical Trials and Informatics Support group (CTI) provides biostatistical and data processing support to these global research and institution development activities carried out by RHR in general and HRP in particular. The successful candidate will : have the following assigned responsibilities: 1. planning, organization and implementation of statistical analyses of multinational reproductive health research sponsored by RHR 2. participation in reporting and dissemination of results emanating from reproductive health research conducted by RHR 3. participation in the planning and organization of systems and procedures for the management and statistical analyses of multicentre research conducted in RHR 4. providing advice to RHR scientists and medical officers and collaborating scientists on the statistical aspects of reproductive health research 5. advising on the formulation and implementation of institution-strengthening activities in the area of biostatistics 6. development of new and adaptation of existing statistical methods for the solution of problems in reproductive health research and RHR-sponsored research in particular. Qualifications Required : Education and Skills : Ph.D in Statistics, preferably Biostatistics. Thorough knowledge of statistical theory for the design and analysis of clinical trials and epidemiological studies, including use of statistical analysis packages. Ability to establish and maintain good working relationships with colleagues within and outside WHO. Ability to supervise staff would be an asset. Experience : 10 years experience in management and analysis of clinical trials and epidemiological research, two of which must be at the international level. Some experience in design and analysis of household surveys an advantage. Languages : Excellent knowledge of English or French with a working knowledge of the other. Annual salary (net of tax) : US$ 55 180 at single rate and US$ 59 255 with primary dependants. Post Adjustment: 19.6% of the above figures. This percentage is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards due to currency exchange rate fluctuations or inflation.