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IARC 암연구관련 박사후 과정생 모집 안내

  • 작성일2001-09-22 09:20
  • 조회수4,896
  • 담당자 박기동
  • 담당부서암관리과
  • 전화번호503-7363,507-6829
  • 기간 ~
세계보건기구(WHO) 산하 암연구전문기관인 IARC(International Agency for Research on Cancer)에서 아래와 같이 암연구관련 박사후 과정생(postdoctoral fellowship for research on cancer)를 모집함을 알려온 바 이를 공고하니 관심있는 분은 참고하시기 바랍니다. - 아 래 - INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER World Health Organization Lyon­France POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS FOR RESEARCH TRAINING IN CANCER 2002-2003 Applications for training fellowships in 2002-2003 are invited from junior scientists wishing to be trained in those aspects of cancer research related to the Agency\''s own programme; epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental and viral carcinogenesis, cancer prevention, molecular cell biology, molecular genetics, biochemistry, immunology, molecular pathology and mechanism of carcinogenesis. Applications are encouraged from epidemiologists and laboratory scientists for interdisciplinary training that will facilitate the conduct of and molecular epidemiological research. Applicants requiring basic training in cancer epidemiology or in laboratory research will also be considered. Fellows will, in general, be selected from applicants with a recent doctoral degree (Ph.D. or M.D.) in medicine or the natural sciences or who are in the final phase of completing their doctoral degree and wish to pursue a career in cancer research. Fellowships are awarded for one year and are tenabe in any suitable institution abroad. Applicants must have an adequate knowledge of the working language of the host laboratory as well as the ability to read and write English at a level sufficient for scientific communication. Fellowships must be taken up by 31 December 2002 and cannot be started before the doctoral degree is formally obtained. Applications cannot be accepted and will not be considered if the applicant has previously received postdoctoral training abroad, or has already started postdoctoral work at the host institute with funding from the host laboratory for more than three months. Stipends will vary according to the cost of living in the country of study. The cost of travel for the applicant, and in certain circumstances that of one dependent, will be met. This programme is partially supported by the Italian Association for Research on Cancer. Fellowship application forms and more detailed information are available from: Cancer Research Fellowship Programme INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER 150 cours Albert-Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France Tel : +33(0)472 73 84 48; +33 (0)472 73 80 80; e-mail : fel@iarc.fr Internet : http://www.iarc.fr Applications must reach the Agency no later than 31 December 2001.